hgCOMMISSION H : WAVES IN PLASMAS (Nov. '95 - Oct. '98)

Edited by Isamu Nagano and Yoshiharu Omura

The following reports are prepared by 11 distinguished members of Japanese Commission H in the fields of space observation, experiments, theory and computer experiments of plasma waves. We have asked them to write reviews based on their own interests and experience. Thus, each section provides a specific review of important scientific achievements rather than a comprehensive report of the whole research activities of Japanese Commission H. On the other hand, the reference list attached at the end is intended to be used as a database of all papers we have collected from the Commission H members. We would like to thank Dr. S. Yagitani for his assistance in editing the present reports and references.

H1. Space Observation and Experiments of Plasma Waves

H1.1 Hydromagnetic and ULF Wave Phenomena

Kiyohumi Yumoto, Kyushu University

Magnetospheric ultra-low-frequency (ULF) field line oscillations at middle and high latitudes have been thoroughly studied for many years with the wide range of facilities of modern geophysics. However, much less is known about the physical nature of ULF waves observed at globally separated stations, especially at low and near-equatorial latitudes. The organized ground network data of magnetic fields during the STEP(Solar Terrestrial Energy Program) period make it possible to study the magnetospheric processes by distinguishing between temporal changes and spatial variations in the phenomena, to clarify the global latitudinal structures and propagation characteristics of magnetic ULF variations from high to equatorial latitudes, and to understand the global generation mechanism of ULF phenomena (see Yumoto et al. [1996a]).

1) sc/si phenomena

Recently, the transient magnetospheric responses to solar wind variations can be sufficiently clarified using high-time resolution data from global network stations. An anomalous geomagnetic sudden commencement was observed at the network stations at 03:41 UT on March 24, 1991. The sc is characterized by an exceptionally large and sharp impulse observed in its initial part along the noon meridian in middle and low latitudes, i.e., 234nT at Kakioka. Araki et al. [1997] analyzed the sc in detail by using high time resolution digital data from the 210 Magnetic Meridian Chain in the west Pacific, Sub-Auroral Magnetometer Network (SAMNET) in the United Kingdom and southern Scandinavia, the EISCAT Magnetometer Cross in northern Scandinavia and Svalbard, and Canopus in Canada together with satellite (COES 6 and 7, CRRES, and GMS) data. An interplanetary shock with an exceptionally steep and large pulse of momentum increase in the initial part of the wave front impacted the magnetosphere on the afternoonside and compressed it rapidly with an averaged velocity of 800-900 km/s. They found that although the delay in the peak time of the main impulse observed on the ground is consistent with ionospheric hydromagnetic wave propagation from the dayside to the nightside with finite speed of several hundred kilometer per second, the initial onset time of the DL pulse on the ground was almost simultaneous everywhere. They suggested the existence of an "almost instantaneous" propagation mode below the ionosphere, i.e. the DL pulse is converted to an electromagnetic wave ducted in the dayside space below the ionosphere and propagates to the nightside causing an almost simultaneous global onset of the DL pulse.

In order to examine which components of DL and DP fields dominate sc and si magnetic variations at low and middle latitudes on the ground, Yumoto et al. [1996b] statistically analyzed 41 events of sc and si magnetic variations observed along the 210 deg. meridian during the 15 months from November 1992 through January 1994 and found that the amplitudes of sc and si at low and middle latitudes are larger in the summer hemisphere than in the winter hemisphere. They also used the 210 deg. MM data to confirm the enhancement of sc and si amplitudes near the dayside equator.

2) Global characteristics of Pi 2s

The latitudinal profiles of Pi 2 amplitudes and phase relations along the 210 deg. magnetic meridian imply that Pi 2 pulsations observed on the ground consist of different five mode oscillations (see Osaki et al. [1996], Shinohara et al. [1997], and Li et al. [1998a, 1998b]). A bouncing of impulsive field-aligned current (and/or a kinetic Alfven wave) between the plasmasheet and the auroral ionosphere (cf. Shiokawa et al. [1998]) and an oscillation of the substorm current wedge are believed to be detected as high- and mid-latitude Pi 2s, while a surface wave excited at the plasmapause and a cavity-like oscillation in the inner magnetosphere are believed to be observed as mid- and low-latitude Pi 2s. Shinohara et al. [1997] further indicated that daytime and nighttime Pi 2 pulsations in the equatorial and low-latitude region can be explained by invoking an instantaneous penetration of electric field variations from the nightside polar to the dayside equatorial ionosphere, and a direct incident of compressional oscillations from the nightside inner magnetosphere [Itonaga et al., 1997a, 1997b, 1998], respectively. The ground Pi 2 pulsations are concluded to be an ensemble of these five modes, which show their own propagations (or timings) and spatial illuminations.

3) Pc 3 magnetic pulsations

Using magnetic field data from the 210 MM chain and the Geotail satellite, Matsuoka et al. [1997] presented the latitudinal structure of a Pc 3 pulsation event that occurred on October 17-18, 1992. During the event, Geotail was located in the dayside magnetosphere at a radial distance of 8 Re and observed tailward propagating fast-mode magnetosonic waves in the Pc 3 band. H-component pulsations observed at the ground stations, also on the dayside, exhibited dynamic spectra similar to those observed from Geotail. Spectral analyses of the ground data revealed that the H-component pulsation amplitude is at an overall maximum at the highest-latitude station of the magnetometer array, but two additional maxima occurred at L~1 and L~2.1.

Tanaka et al. [1998a] investigated global characteristics of H- and D-component Pc 3 pulsations observed along the 210 degree MM magnetometer network from the dip equator to high latitude. They found that the D-component Pc 3's in the prenoon sector 0900-1200 LT at L= 1.2-5.5 show a coherent, in-phase (out-of-phase) oscillation in the northern (southern) hemisphere with respect to the H component Pc 3's at GUA. This result indicates that the D-component Pc 3's in the prenoon sector at L = 1.2-5.5 are closely related to the upstream source waves. The amplitude peak of the H-component Pc 3's at L=2.1 can be explained by the local field-line resonance. The other amplitude peak of the H-component Pc 3's near the magnetic equator may be explained by invoking direct incidence of compressional Pc 3 source waves from the outer magnetosphere.

4) Peculiarities at low latitudes and at the dip equator

A peculiarity of Pc 3 pulsations at low latitudes (< 30 deg.), i.e., increasing period with decreasing magnetic latitude, was demonstrated and compared with the results of numerical models of the magnetospheric resonator by Pilipenko et al. [1998a]. They concluded that daytime ULF observations can be used as a low-latitude extension of whistler observations to monitor plasma density variations in the plasmasphere.

The dip equator is the place at where geomagnetic field line horizontally lies, and is characterized by the high zonal ionospheric conductivity which is so-called "Cowling conductivity". An enhancement of signal amplitude of geomagnetic variations is general character of the dip equator, e.g. EEJ, DP2, the preliminary reverse impulse (PRI), sudden commencement (sc), sudden impulses (si), Pi 2 at the dip equator [Colqui et al., 1998; Yumoto et al., 1996b; Shinohara et al., 1998; Sibeck et al., 1998]. Therefore, the dip equator is a peculiar region where we can easily sense the geomagnetic phenomena.

5) Other hydromagnetic phenomena

Recently, ULF magnetic variations were analyzed to investigate precursors before the onset of earthquakes [Hayakawa et al., 1997] and/or relationship between seismic and electromagnetic activity [Yumoto et al., 1998]. Since these electromagnetic emissions and DC variations must be a promising candidate for short-term prediction of earthquakes, we are in a position that we should accumulate more amount of convincing signatures of earthquakes.

(K. Yumoto: yumoto@geo.kyushu-u.ac.jp)

H1.2 ELF/VLF Waves Excited by Ions

Shinobu Machida, Kyoto University

Zhang and Matsumoto [1998] reported the magnetic noise bursts (MNB) near the interplanetary shock associated with the coronal mass ejection event detected by the Geotail and IMP-8 satellites on February 21, 1994. After the arrival of the shock, two kinds of MNB were observed. The first kind are the whistler mode waves with frequency from 10 Hz to about 200 Hz, and the second kind are the lower hybrid waves with frequencies around or less than the lower hybrid frequency. They concluded that the first kind waves have a source in the shock and propagated to the spacecraft location, and that the second kind waves were local origin and excited due to the instability associated with large gradients in both the ambient magnetic field and the plasma density.

Shinohara et al. [1998] studied the electromagnetic turbulence in the frequency range from 1 to 10 Hz near the onset site of substorm in the Earth's magnetotail. The Geotail observations by the search-coil magnetometer and spherical double-probe instrument clearly show electromagnetic wave activities in the lower-hybrid frequency range near the onset site, i.e., near the neutral line. The linear and quasi-linear calculations of the lower-hybrid drift instability well explain the observed electromagnetic wave turbulence quantitatively. The calculated time for the electron heating is comparable to the electron time scale of the expansion onset, but that of ion heating is much longer. They concluded that observed wave intensity is not sufficient to support dissipation necessary for the resistive tearing mode instability.

Kasahara et al. [1997] investigated the correlation between the ELF/VLF noise and the electron and ion fluxes at the polar region observed by Akebono satellite. They found that the waves are electromagnetic below the local oxygen cyclotron frequency and they become electrostatic in the higher frequency range. The waves are usually observed in the cusp or along the higher latitude side of auroral oval, and the waves are more intense in the cusp region. The occurrence region extends to lower latitudes when the geomagnetic activity becomes high. They concluded that the primary waves are most likely the ion acoustic waves which are excited by low energy electrons, and that ions are accelerated and heated by those waves showing a clear correlation with the wave intensity.

Hatakeyama et al. [1995] studied particle drifts in a traveling wave with a cyclotron frequency. They found a difference in a particle acceleration between the first half- cycle and the second half-cycle of the Larmor motion. This difference modifies the cyclotron-resonance trajectory, giving rise to particle drifts perpendicular both to the wave propagation and background magnetic-filed lines. A perturbation method in the orbit theory successfully gives analytic expressions and numerical calculations demonstrate the generation of drift. This mechanism is further argued by comparing it with the experimental results conducted with the Phaedrus-B axisymmetric tandem mirror by Hatakeyama et al. [1997].

A formation of the collisionless ion acoustic shocks in a plasma with negative ions was studied by Takeuchi et al. [1998]. They found an occurrence of steepening of the positive or negative density jumps depending on the parameter e which is a ratio of negative to positive ion density. For e < ec ( about 0.65 ), positive density jumps evolve into compressive shocks. However, for e > ec, negative density jumps evolve into rarefactive shocks. The value of ec is well explained on the basis of Korteweg-de Vries equation.

(S. Machida: machida@kugi.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

H1.3 Electrostatic Waves Generated by Electrons

Hirotsugu Kojima, Radio Atmospheric Science Center, Kyoto University

The observations of electrostatic waves in the frequency range where electron dynamics dominate have made progress on the basis of waveform observations by the Japanese spacecraft Geotail. The waveform observations by Geotail revealed real waveforms of Broadband Electrostatic Noise (BEN), Narrowband Electrostatic Noise (NEN), Electron Cyclotron Harmonic (ECH) waves, and Electron plasma waves [Kojima et al., 1997a; Matsumoto and Usui, 1997; Kojima et al., 1997b: Detailed review can be found in Matsumoto et al. [1998a]]. The waveforms of the BEN and NEN were named as Electrostatic Solitary Waves (ESW), and Electrostatic Quasi-Monochromatic Waves (EQMW), respectively. Kojima et al. [1997a] showed that these ESW and EQMW can be also observed in the magnetosheath region as well as in the magnetotail.

Matsumoto and Usui [1997] reported the bursts of electron cyclotron harmonic waves observed by Geotail at the dayside equatorial outer magnetosphere region. They call these emissions as "Totem Pole (TP) emissions" after their bursty and harmonic spectral structures. They found that the first harmonic emission of ECH is split into two major parts in the frequency domain. Usui et al. [1997] demonstrated that such TP emissions mainly observed in the dawnside region near the magnetopause in the basis of statistical data analyses.

Excellent collaborations of spacecraft observations and computer experiments have been proceeded in the study of the Electrostatic Solitary Waves (ESW). Since the discovery of the ESW in the plasma sheet boundary by Geotail, extensive efforts to study their generation mechanisms have been made. Omura et al. [1996] surveyed the parametric dependence of the nonlinear evolutions of electron beam instabilities via one-dimensional full particle computer simulations. They showed that the route toward generations of ESW, EQMW, and electron plasma waves strongly depends on the initial electron/ion velocity distributions. Their computer simulations lead to the establishment of comprehensive generation model of ESW, EQMW, and electron plasma waves. Further, Miyake et al. [1998] extend these simulations to two-dimensional system and discussed the time dependence of generated electrostatic potential structures perpendicular to the ambient magnetic field.

In the laboratory experiments for plasmas, the formation of electrostatic potentials have been investigated by Sato et al. [1995]. They showed that an extremely large amplitude electron plasma waves are generated by applying an external Radio Frequency (RF) waves to a ring exciter and that steep changes of electron density, temperature and potential along the ambient magnetic field are observed in the region around the wave generation, where the waves are localized because of enhanced wave damping. Such electrostatic potential formation as a result of interaction between RF fields and plasmas attracts much interest in connection with particle acceleration mechanism in space plasmas and plasma confinement in fusion oriented devices.

(H. Kojima: kojima@kurasc.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

H1.4 Electromagnetic Waves Excited by Electrons

Yasumasa Kasaba, Toyama Prefectural University

In this section we present a short review of electromagnetic waves excited by electrons, i.e., whistler mode waves, nonthermal continuum radiation, auroral kilometric radiation, terrestrial type-III burst, 2fp radiation, and Jovian radiations, observed using Zao observatory, sounding rockets, Akebono (1989-), and Geotail (1992-). (Detailed review of Geotail observation is also available in Sec.3 of Matsumoto et al. [1998a]. Short review in the upstream region is in Matsumoto et al. [1997a].)

A. Whistler mode waves (by a sounding rocket and Geotail)

Whistler mode waves are observed in various regions around the Earth.

In the auroral region, Takizawa et al. [1998] reported the LF waves associated with pulsating aurora by a sounding rocket S-520-12 launched from Andoya, Norway. LF waves lagged behind auroral emission by 8 sec. They suggested that the pulsating LF waves were generated by precipitating low energy electrons in the altitude of 2000-4700 km at L=6.7 on which pulsating auroral patch existed.

In the dayside magnetosphere, Yagitani et al. [1996a] studied generation and propagation mechanisms of chorus emissions via cyclotron resonance with energetic particles based on simultaneous wave/particle measurements by GEOTAIL. They computed the cyclotron growth rates and showed that the chorus emissions are most likely generated by the energetic electrons. Nunn et al. [1997] also reported the wave and particle data in the vicinity of the generation regions in the equatorial region at about L=10. Analysis shows that the k vectors are closely parallel to the ambient magnetic field. Based on detailed data, they simulated the observed emissions by a Vlasov simulation code.

In the magnetosheath, Zhang et al. [1998a] studied lion roars by the waveform data of GEOTAIL PWI/WFC. About 30% (type A) of the lion roars are associated with the mirrors waves or the decrease of the ambient magnetic field, while others (type B) are not associated. They found that 5% of them (only type B) seems to be generated locally in the vicinity of the spacecraft for these cases. They are usually observed near the bow shock and very likely the downstream propagating whistlers excited in the bow shock region. Matsui et al. [1997] also reported long-duration whistler waves (LDWW) observed by Geotail MGF. LDWW are band-limited emissions near the lower hybrid frequency typically lasting several tens of minutes. The propagation vectors strongly suggests that the bow shock is the common source. The 'flat-topped' electron distribution function is concurrently observed and is likely to yield a favorite condition for LDWW propagation.

In the upstream region, Zhang et al. [1998b] studied narrowband and short-lived whistlers (NSW) frequently observed by Geotail PWI/WFC. Nearly all the NSW in the electron foreshock propagate in a downstream direction parallel to the magnetic field and must be excited by electron cyclotron resonance. These features suggest the existence of a temperature anisotropy in the upstream electron beam. The competition between electrostatic and whistler instabilities and the finite size of the beams are very likely the reasons of its short life. These NSW can be well explained by a modeled electron beam with a loss-cone distribution in the electron foreshock.

B. Nonthermal continuum radiation (by Geotail)

Nonthermal continuum radiation is generated as a result of mode conversion from the electrostatic upper hybrid waves to the L-O electromagnetic waves. Kasaba et al. [1998] studied the short-lived enhancement of nonthermal continuum radiation generated at the plasmapause from the midnight to dawnside sector. Simultaneous Geotail and Wind observation shows a series of electrons injected at the midnight sector associated with substorm generate both the enhancement and the classical nonthermal continuum. Frequency variation of this radiation reflects the drift motion of injected electrons depending on their injected velocity. Its harmonic structure also indicates the real-time magnetic field strength at the plasmapause so that they statistically studied the variation of the radius of the plasmapause during the substorms.

C. Auroral kilometric radiation (by Geotail/Akebono)

Murata et al. [1997] studied the interrelation between the AKR activities and the well-established measures of substorms. A measure of the AKR activity can be expressed as 'AKR index', proportional to AKR power flux at a given time of the observation. The onsets of substorms are well represented by the sudden increase of the AKR index. Kurth et al. [1998] analyzed AKR observations by Polar and Geotail and compared with auroral electrojet (AE) index. They pointed out the limitations of both the AKR index and the AE index in providing truly global measurements of substorm activity.

Kasaba et al. [1997a] studied the angular distribution of AKR based on a 38-month GEOTAIL PWI observations. The AKR illumination pattern becomes narrower with increasing frequency above 300 kHz. The difference is more evident in the duskside zone and when geomagnetic conditions become more disturbed. They also showed that AKR is more active on the winter hemisphere especially for the higher frequency range. It is confirmed in more detailed study by Kumamoto and Oya [1998]. The statistical analyses of AKR observed by the plasma wave and sounder experiment (PWS) onboard Akebono for the 7 years showed clear seasonal variations, the increase of both intensity and occurrence-frequency in the winter polar regions. This asymmetry becomes more prominent in the high frequency range. The origin is plausibly related with the seasonal dependence of the acceleration processes of the auroral electrons.

D. 2fp radiation (by Geotail)

The 2fp electromagnetic radiation is frequently observed in the upstream region of the Earth' bow shock. It is a narrow band emission at twice the solar wind electron plasma frequency.

The remote sensing of 2fp radio source was reported by Reiner et al. [1997]. They combined direction-finding data from simultaneous WIND/GEOTAIL observations to provide the first 3-D source location by two spacecraft triangulation. In two cases, the 2fp radio source centroid was located in the upstream wing of the electron foreshock some 10-20 RE from the contact point of the tangential IMF line to the bow shock. Kasaba et al. [1997b] analyzed by other statistical methods. They determined the 2fp radio source location by three statistical methods: mapping of 2fp flux, analysis of bifurcation phenomena with density discontinuity in the solar wind, and statistical direction findings. They showed that the source is generally on the tangential field line but not concentrated around the contact point. More detailed studies including numerical simulations are still in investigation [cf. Kasaba, 1997]

E. Jovian radiation (by Zao observatory and Geotail)

Jupiter is the most radio-active planet, so that Jovian radiation has been observed from ground-based observatories. Misawa et al. [1997] studied polarization of Jovian decametric radiations at Zao observatory of Tohoku University. Most of Io-related events indicate highly right-handed elliptical polarization and slightly more linear polarization than non-Io-A events. They also showed that Io-A and Io-B related events indicate significant difference in their axial ratios.

In 1995, Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 passed across the Jovian magnetic fields and collided to Jupiter. Enhancement in X-ray and synchrotron radiations suggested non-negligible change in the inner magnetosphere. Oya et al. [1997] reported the Jovian decameter radiation in this period. They showed large enhancement and interpreted as the result by dust-plasma interactions. The enhancement was approximately 10 times of the regular maximum level and continued for 6 months. It suggested that the Jovian plasma environment was completely changed by the dust clouds left behind the cometary fragments. Kasaba et al. [1996] reported the Jovian hectometric and kilometric radiation observed by GEOTAIL. They did not find clear enhancement in the whole period nor around each impact time. They suggested that there were few amounts of direct coupling between the cometary fragments and the Jovian outer magnetosphere. Further studies should be needed on dust-plasma interactions.

(Y. Kasaba: kasaba@rdw.pu-toyama.ac.jp)

H1.5 Wave Propagation

Akira Morioka, Tohoku University

The Plasma Wave Instrument (PWI) onboard the GEOTAIL satellite continues the radio wave observation, which provides the detailed information on the wave generation and propagation in the magnetosphere. The source of the Auroral Myriametric Radiation (AMR) was identified to be the O mode waves generated in the auroral plasma cavity, based on the observational result and ray tracing analysis [Hashimoto et al., 1998a]. AKR dynamic spectra observed with the GEOTAIL and WIND satellites were analyzed to study the source location of AKR. Most observations were explained in terms of AKR source locations around 21-22 MLT, but some cannot be explained unless the source locations are assumed to be extended to around 19 MLT during the substorm [Hashimoto et al, 1998b]. The unusual whistler with very large dispersion was detected near the dayside magnetopause. Nagano et al. [1998] proposed that a lightning discharge at high latitudes is the most plausible source of such a signal via a special propagation effect revealed by the ray tracing. The Wave Form Capture (WFC) onboard the GEOTAIL enabled the detailed analysis of propagating wave normal and Poynting flux vector. Derived propagation directions of the chorus emissions along a GEOTAIL orbit indicate that they are generated around the dayside geomagnetic equator, which confirms the model of the chorus generation [Nagano et al., 1996].

The ray tracing is a very useful tool to study various wave phenomena in the magnetosphere and ionosphere, and has contributed to the exploration of magnetospheric plasma environments. Kimura [1997] reviewed the ray tracing technique, to stress its significance in the history of the discovery of the magnetosphere.

The Akebono observation contributed to the modeling of the plasmaspheric plasma distribution. Using propagating wave characteristics obtained by the Akebono satellite and the ray tracing technique, Kimura et al. [1997] developed the global model of the electron density distribution in the plasmasphere. The validity of the proposed model was checked and found that the model is flexible enough to represent the plasma distribution in the plasmasphere.

Propagation characteristics of mid-latitude whistlers are not still well understood which need further studies; for example, enhancement factor, duct dimension, interduct spacing, and duct terminating height. Ohta et al. [1996] and Ohta et al. [1997] reported characteristics of mid-latitude whistler ducts as deduced from ground-based measurements (Hobart, Australia, and Dunedin, New Zealand). Their study showed duct dimension, terminated altitude of ducts, life time of ducts and presence of a non-ducted PL whistler.

At planet Jupiter, whistlers are observed near the Io plasma torus. These whistlers are believed to be generated by lightning strokes. The estimation of whistler amplitude can derive the power of a lightning stroke. Hobara et al. [1997] and Hobara and Hayakawa [1997] analyzed the wideband wave-form data from Voyager 1, and reexamined the amplitude of many whistlers. The mean radiation power per flash of the lightning in the Jovian atmosphere was estimated to be order of hundred to ten million Watt.

(A. Morioka: morioka@stpp2.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp)

H1.6 Observational and Experimental Techniques

Takayuki Ono, Tohoku University

Within the period of 1995-1998, techniques of plasma wave experiments have further been developed through the ground observations and sounding rocket experiments, and through the Japanese space missions of EXOS-D, Geotail, Planet-B spacecraft going to the Mars and SELENE satellite planned to go to the Moon. Especially, because this period met with the launch of Planet-B Mars orbiter (July 4, 1998), there were significant achievements in the experimental techniques through the Planet-B and relating space missions. The electronics package of the Planet-B plasma wave analyzer was established with the weight of 4.8kg which includes the Plasma Waves and Sounder experiment (PWS), the Low Frequency plasma wave Analyzer (LFA) and the control circuit of the 25m wire antenna system (WANT) [Ono et al., 1998; Matsumoto et al., 1998b]. The major technical developments can be categorized as three branches; namely they are 1) remote sensing with plasma sounder technique, 2) passive plasma wave experiments and in-situ plasma measurement, and 3) data processing technique.

1) Remote sensing with plasma sounder technique:

The plasma sounder technique in Japan was established onboard the EXOS-B satellite (launched in 1978), and successfully applied to the topside sounding experiments onboard the EXOS-C (1984), and EXOS-D (1989) satellites, including the task to make an active experiment in space plasma. This instrument has been installed onboard the Planet-B satellite to realize the topside sounding of Martian ionosphere [Ono et al., 1998]. The plasma sounder instrument has been further developed to make an altimeter experiment onboard the Planet-B [Oya and Ono, 1998] which makes it possible to obtain the land shape of Mars as well as the total electron content (TEC) of Martian ionosphere by measuring the sounder RF echoes in HF frequency range. The possible applications of the Planet-B altimeter data and radar sounder experiment planed onboard the SELENE satellite have been studied from the viewpoint of the physics of solid planets and moon [Okada and Ono, 1998; Yamaji et al., 1998].

2) Passive plasma wave experiments and in-situ plasma measurement:

The instrumentation of the plasma wave experiment in VLF range had been established through the EXOS-D and Geotail satellites by using two sets of long deployed dipole antennas and three axes loop antennas [Hashimoto et al., 1997]. The VLF instrument was further developed for Planet-B mission facilitating DSP chip [Matsumoto et al., 1998b] to realize the small and right-weight electronics package onboard the Planet-B spacecraft. To evaluate the absolute intensity of the VLF plasma waves and to extend to examine the plasma parameters, the antenna impedance in VLF frequency range has been experimentally studied [Tsutsui et al., 1997] for the Geotail 50m wire-antenna element immersed in the magnetospheric and solar wind plasma. As an application of the full wave approach on VLF waves, a VLF wave technique was applied to measure the electron number density in the lower ionosphere [Okada, 1997]. The application of antenna impedance measurement in HF frequency range had already be established as Impedance Probe technique giving absolute number density of electrons in the ionosphere, plasmasphere and magnetosphere. Due to the compact shape and high reliability of the instrument, the impedance probe technique has been applied to wide research field in space such as the sporadic-E ionosphere dynamics [Yamamoto et al., 1998], and the dynamics and chemistry of neutral gases in the upper atmosphere of the polar region [Iwagami et al., 1998].

3) Data processing technique:

Two kinds of artificial neural network approaches have been developed to apply on the problems of ELF/VLF wave experiments in space. The one is to solve the problem in the direction finding analysis within a limited available data [Hirari and Hayakawa, 1996a, 1996b]. They demonstrate the validity of the artificial neural network approach by reconstructing wave distribution with two sources. The other approach [Yagitani et al., 1996b] is to realize the automatic classification of plasma wave waveform data onboard a spacecraft to minimize the necessary data transmission speed to the ground.

(T. Ono: ono@stpp3.geophys.tohoku.ac.jp)

H2. Theory and Computer Experiments on Plasma Waves

H2.1 Wave Generation and Instabilities

Tadas Nakamura, Fukui Prefectural University

Advances in computers and laboratory experiments, as well as new theoretical methods, shed new light to classic problems of wave generation in space plasmas.

A. Wave emission

Hobara et al. [1998] studied amplification of whistler waves by electron beams including the effect of inhomogeneity of the magnetic field. This problem is important to understand wave emissions in the magnetosphere, such as triggered ELF/VLF emission. Their result shows that the amplification through the flux tube has a quasi-periodic structure as a function of the wave frequency and electron beam velocity. This quasi-periodic structure oscillates from positive (grow) to negative (decay) when the electron beam is delta-function-like distribution in the velocity space, whereas it is always positive for the step-like distribution.

Another problem of wave generation has been attacked by Nunn et al. [1997] using satellite observation and numerical simulation. Geotail satellite observed VLF chorus and discrete emissions in the band of 200-1200Hz around the equatorial region about L=10. The authors used a Vlasov code to simulate this emission, and the result is in good agreement with the observation. The simulation suggests that the underlying mechanism of the VLF chorus and emissions is the nonlinear trapping of cyclotron resonant electrons. (See also Section H1.4)

B. Ion-cyclotron instability

A series of particle simulations have revealed new aspects of current driven ion-cyclotron instabilities [Ishiguro et al., 1996a, 1997a, 1997b, 1998]. Ishiguro et al. [1997a] performed a two-and-half dimensional electrostatic magnetized simulations with electron beams. They found that ion-cyclotron instability creates different wave-front patterns depending on the spatial shape of the electron beam.

The ion-cyclotron instability is one of the promising candidates for the generating mechanism of the auroral potential drop (large potential drop along the magnetic field line). However, such a large potential drop was not found in this simulation because of the periodic boundary condition [Ishiguro et al., 1996a]. Ishiguro et al. [1997b] have constructed a simulation model with open boundary condition, and successfully produced a V-shaped dc potential structure, which has similar features to the auroral potential drop.

Another interesting related topic has been investigated by means of laboratory experiment: ion cyclotron instability due to ion beams. Mineo et al. [1996] have carried out an experiment by modifying a Q-machine device, to excite electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves by an ion beam. The new finding of this experiment is that the waves are excited when the ion beam forms a self-organized spatial structure due to the magnetic focusing effect.

C. Kelvin-Helmholtz instability

MHD Kelvin-Helmholtz instability at the magnetopause plays an important role in the solar wind-magnetosphere coupling process. Miura [1995] has examined the effect of the magnetic field orientation on the wave growth. Using two dimensional MHD simulation code, he concluded that the northward Bz in the magnetosheath is more favorable for the wave growth. This result can be important for the Bz control of the magnetospheric phenomena, for which the magnetic reconnection process has been predominantly investigated.

D. New analytical methods

Two new analytical technique for linear kinetic calculation have been developed by Nakamura [1997], and Nakamura and Hoshino [1998]. One is for the field integration along the particle orbit [1997]. He obtained an alternative expression for this integration that allows drift approximation for the particle orbit. As an example of this method he solved the problem of lower hybrid drift instability in a curved magnetic field, to which the conventional method is not applicable.

The other method is for the integration of the distribution function over the velocity space [1998]. It approximates the distribution function with a one-over-polynomial function so that various analytical technique, such as the residue theorem, can be applied. This method can calculate to complicated resonance processes such as relativistic cyclotron resonance.

(T. Nakamura: tadas@fpu.ac.jp)

H2.2 Nonlinear Effects

Tohru Hada, Kyushu University

We had prominent advances basically in five different research fields in the category of Nonlinear Effects, during the period of 1995/11/01 to 1998/10/31. These are, theoretical and numerical simulation studies of the electrostatic solitary waves observed in the earth's magnetosphere, theoretical studies of nonlinear wave-particle interactions, nonlinear processes relevant to magentohydrodynamic (MHD) waves and shocks, nonlinear development of magnetic reconnection process, and the long-time evolution of a plasma from the viewpoint of complex dynamical systems.

Recent discovery of the electrostatic solitary waves (ESW) in the earth's magnetotail by the Geotail spacecraft (references are found in Miyake et al. [1998]) has motivated a number of theoretical and numerical efforts to explain the observed characteristics of the waves. Miyake et al. [1998] perform two- dimensional full particle simulations of an electron beam system and find that the Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal (BGK) potentials, initially generated by the electron beam, subsequently coalesce each other and form potential troughs, almost uniformly in perpendicular directions to the background magnetic field. Structure of these quasi-one-dimensional BGK solutions are examined theoretically by Krasovsky et al. [1997] using the Vlasov-Poisson equations. They discuss the dependence of the typical width of the solitary wave on its drift velocity and the wave amplitude.

Nonlinear wave-particle interactions are studied for a variety of applications. Summers et al. [1997] discuss the flow of a neutralized electron beam in the Pierce beam-plasma system, by evaluating dynamics of Gelerkin truncated system. Interaction of charged particles with various types of one- dimensional pulses is studied by Akimoto [1997], in which dependence of the interaction on pulse size, initial particle velocity, and external magnetic field are discussed. A new mechanism for Langmuir wave localization, due to trapping of beam particles, is proposed by Akimoto et al. [1996]. In a general setting, Krasovsky and Matsumoto [1998] analyze the motion of electrons in gyroresonance with a general quasi- monochromatic electromagnetic wave, and obtain a set of approximate equations of motion by gyro-averaging.

Large amplitude MHD waves and shock waves are ample sources of nonlinear phenomena. Shimazu et al. [1996a] study structure of collisionless parallel shocks by performing full particle simulations, and find that the shock transition region is comprised of two physically distinct regions, and that the electromagnetic waves may play roles in the thermal diffusion of particles downstream. The study is extended to include heavy ions [Simazu et al., 1996b], in which they discuss roles of electromagnetic waves, the shock front re-formation, and thermalization of heavy ions. Recent advances in the physics of nonlinear waves in space plasmas (with emphasis on MHD waves) are documented in a monograph by Hada and Matsumoto [1997], in which nonlinear evolution of quasi-parallel MHD waves is discussed in detail by Mjolhus and Hada [1997], recent development of the theory of nonlinear plasma maser is thoroughly reviewed by Nambu and Vladimirov [1997], and nonlinear ELF-VLF effects observed on ACTIVNY satellite are discussed by Molchanov et al. [1997].

The nonlinear properties of the magnetic reconnection process have also been intensively studied during the period, presumably inspired by Geotail observations. Using three dimensional MHD simulation code, Ugai and Shimizu [1996] show that, only when the central current sheet is sufficiently long in the direction of the current, the fast reconnection fully develops by the self-consistent coupling between the global reconnection flow and the current-driven anomalous resistivity. Numerical simulation studies of generation, propagation, and subsequent evolution of plasmoids are studied by Ugai [1996] in 2-d, and by Ugai and Wang [1998] in 3-d settings. Biscamp and Sato [1997] analyze the effect of the electron pressure gradient in Ohm's law on the nonliner development of the internal kink mode, and discuss its relevance to the sawtooth phenomenon in tokamak plasmas. Kitabata et al. [1996], by performing compressible MHD simulations in an open system, find that the energy release due to the driven magnetic reconnection is impulsive and intermittent, and that the reconnection rate is much enhanced during the impulsive phase.

The plasma, being far from thermal equilibrium in general, with inherent nonlinear couplings between internal modes, and with options of contacting external sources, provides an excellent medium for studying nonlinear dynamical properties of complex systems. Sato et al. [1996] and Sato [1997] emphasize the importance of three key elements in the self-organization process of a plasma, i.e., energy pumping, entropy expulsion, and nonlinearity, by presenting various numerical simulation results. The roles of thermal conduction is studied by Zhu et al. [1996]. Without the thermal conduction, an MHD system self- organizes itself to a non-Taylor state, but it shifts to a force-free minimum energy state under influence of the thermal conduction. Bazdenkov and Sato [1998] study the reconnection in an isolated straight magnetic flux tube with all the field lines continuously twisted. Drastic topological changes and prominent burstlike thermal energy release are found to take place. The role of energy input in the formation of ordered structures in a semi-open system is examined by Yabuki et al. [1997], by performing MHD simulations with a viscous membrane inside of the simulation system, which acts as a high-pass filter.

(T. Hada: hada@esst.kyushu-u.ac.jp)

H2.3 Particle Acceleration, Heating, and Diffusion

Masaki Fujimoto, Tokyo Institute of Technology

Magnetic reconnection that converts magnetic energy into particles' kinetic energy is one of the most fundamental processes of accelerating and heating charged particles in plasmas. Advances have been made in the understanding of kinetic aspects of magnetic reconnection. With particle simulations, Horiuchi and Sato [1997] have studied the effects of longitudinal magnetic field on two-dimensional collisionless reconnection. The reconnection electric field evolves in two-steps irrespective of the presence of the longitudinal field. In the second step, however, in which electron kinetic effects plays the essential roles, the width of the current sheet changes from those scaled by the electron meandering orbit amplitude to those scaled by the electron inertia length as the longitudinal field becomes stronger. Ozaki et al. [1996] have studied an electromagnetic instability in a neutral sheet. The instability is different from the well-known lower hybrid drift instability and is strongly related to the ion meandering motion within the neutral sheet. It is suggested that its growth gives rise to anomalous resistivity to the neutral sheet current. In contrast to the above papers that focus on the micro-physics aspect of the reconnection, Hoshino et al. [1998] have studied the macro aspect and have compared the simulation results with in-situ observations in the Earth's magnetotail by the Geotail spacecraft. It is shown that various types of non-Maxwellian ions detected in the dynamic magnetotail are reproduced in the simulations of fully developed magnetic reconnection, which in turn tells that collisionless ions in the magnetotail are indeed as dynamic as those we observe in computer simulations. Nakabayashi and Machida [1997], with hybrid simulations, have investigated a similar theme. These studies, together with contributions from others, have led to one of the present trends in the magnetotail research which might be termed as "toward hyper-MHD understanding of magnetotail dynamics".

Setting up a field-aligned potential is a very efficient way of accelerating charged particles but the physics of its formation is still not uncovered yet. Ishiguro et al. [1995, 1996b] have reported on new two-dimensional electrostatic simulations of potential formation along converging field lines. While the results are quantitatively different from those in the previous works based on one-dimensional configuration, they are in good agreement with the Q-machine experiment results.

(M. Fujimoto: fujimoto@geo.titech.ac.jp)

H2.4 Active Experiment and Spacecraft-Environment Interaction

Hideyuki Usui, Radio Atmospheric Science Center, Kyoto University

Numerical studies related to spacecraft environment have been intensively conducted. Okada et al. [1995, 1996] investigated the spacecraft-plasma interactions by performing electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations. The perturbations of plasma and electromagnetic fields around spacecraft are quantitatively studied for the case of a dilute and high-beta plasma with a fast plasma flow. In the association with the electromagnetic environment near spacecraft, radio blackout has been investigated with electromagnetic PIC simulations [Matsumoto et al., 1997b]. The avoidance of the radio blackout with the magnetic field applied to the reentry plasma is also examined by PIC computer experiments. It is found that radio waves can be transmitted through the dense reentry plasma as whistler and/or L-mode waves when magnetic fields are applied. The remote measurement of the reentry plasma properties, such as density, locations, and spatial profile, by the radio wave emission from the reentry vehicle is also investigated with electromagnetic PIC simulations [Yamashita et al., 1997].

Computer experiments are also performed to interpret the phenomena observed in active experiments. Ueda et al. [1998] studied the excitation of upper hybrid waves associated with the ionospheric heating experiments. They focused on a direct conversion process which is proposed as an excitation mechanism of the upper hybrid waves where the energy of an obliquely propagating EM pump wave is converted into the ES upper hybrid waves due to small-scale density irregularities.

One of the significant applications of radio waves in space is the microwave energy transmission. Matsumoto [1995] presented an excellent review paper on the microwave power transmission from space and the related nonlinear plasma effects. The paper covers not only a brief history of the development of technology and scientific research related to the transmission of electrical energy via radio waves, but also various kinds of experiments related the microwave energy transmission and associated theoretical and numerical studies. In the theoretical studies and numerical simulations [Matsumoto et al., 1995a, 1995b; Shinohara et al., 1996], the nonlinear interactions of intense microwaves with the ionospheric plasma, particularly, nonlinear wave-wave coupling and the resulting wave excitation at low frequency, are examined, which attempt to interpret the results obtained in a rocket-to-rocket power experiment called MINIX. From the technological point of view, microwave devices such as rectenna and cyclotron wave converter (CWC) have been studied in the association with the microwave energy transmission [Miura et al., 1997; Shinohara et al., 1998a, 1998b ; Vladimir et al., 1998a, 1998b].

(H. Usui: usui@kurasc.kyoto-u.ac.jp)

H2.5 Techniques of Data Analysis and Computer Experiments

Masaki Okada, National Institute of Polar Research

As one of the new data analysis techniques, Itonaga et al. [1997] showed a smoother realized by a one-pass method with a piecewise cubic polynomial and a modified Powell criterion is termed a PCP filter. Since its action is data-adaptive, the PCP filter is nonlinear. Further, this filter is also noncausal and it practically brings little phase shift onto the output and/or residual data as long as the input data has no dominant components of which frequencies lie within its transition band. An average amplitude response of the PCP filter for sinusoidal inputs is determined numerically for each value of the parameter mu, which is involved in the modified Powell criterion and controls the smoothness in output of the filter. Some example of good separation are displayed in their paper.

In the field of computer experiments, Usui et al. [1997] brought in an internal conducting body representing the spacecraft into the simulation region. To do this, they assume the spacecraft as a conducting body for simplicity. In the lecture of International School for Space Plasma Simulation, they described the numerical treatment of conducting spacecraft in terms of capacity matrix method. Some applications of this method in the study of the interaction between a spacecraft and space plasma were also introduced.

A 2-1/2 dimensional, full relativistic cylindrical particle simulation code was newly developed in both electrostatic and electromagnetic manners [Onishi et al., 1997]. This code adopts a fixed boundary for radial direction, and a periodic one for rotational direction. By using this simulation code, we will become able to perform computer experiments with cylindrical shape model such as magnetrons.

Realistic models of electromagnetic particle simulations require very large memory and very fast computing capability of supercomputers. Even a very powerful supercomputer with a shared memory may not be fast enough and not have very large memory. Therefore we are looking for a way to utilize parallel computers with distributed memories. Parallel computing is likely to be the most important new technology for space plasma simulations. There are three ways to adapt particle simulation code for parallel computers. The first one is to leave simulation code to parallel optimizations in each parallel computer. There is nothing for us to do in this case. The second one is to make a minor modification to the code using some special directives for parallel computers. The third choice is to change the code substantially for parallel computing environment realized by a software "PVM (Parallel Virtual Machine)". Ueda et al. [1997] uses simulation code, KEMPO1, and modified the structure of the code so that it works efficiently on the parallel computing platform provided by PVM. Via PVM, we separated KEMPO1's simulation region and transported boundary data and superparticle data. This new code is flexible and scalable. The computation time is decreased in proportion to the number of separations, because each separated region is computed by an independent processor. On the other hand, the separation number is a bottleneck that limits the speed of transportation time. We must develop an efficient algorithm for data transportation.

Okada et al. [1997] developed a new algorithm for the electromagnetic particle code using unstructured-cell as a grid model. In order to take into account more realistic shape of a spacecraft in the simulation space, a new discretization technique of Maxwell's equations was introduced to integrate Maxwell's equations in time and space. They show two kinds of algorithms to obtain the charge density and the current density. A two-dimensional unstructured-cell electromagnetic particle code has been implemented. They adopt triangular mesh as the electric and magnetic field grid and linear interpolation algorithm as the interpolation to the particle-pushing fields. One of the most advantages of this code would be for the modeling of the electromagnetic environment in the vicinity of a spacecraft.

(M. Okada: mokada@nipr.ac.jp)


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Hashimoto, K., H. Matsumoto, T. Murata, M. L. Kaiser and J.-L. Bougeret [1998b], "Comparison of AKR simultaneously observed by the GEOTAIL and WIND spacecraft," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol.25, 6, pp.853-856

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Hatakeyama, R., N. Hershkowitz, R. Majeski, Y.J. Wen, D.B. Brouchous, P. Proberts, R.A. Breun, D. Roberts, M. Vukovic and T. Tanaka [1997], "Measurements on rotating ion cyclotron range of frequencies induced particle fluxes in axisymmetric mirror plasmas," Phys. Plasmas, vol.4, pp.2947-2954

Hayakawa, M., R. Kawate, O.A. Molchanov and K. Yumoto [1996], "Results of ultra-low-frequency magnetic field measurements during the Guam earthquake of 8 August 1993," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol.23, 3, pp.241-244

Hirari, M. and M. Hayakawa [1996a], "A Bayesian regularization approach to ill-posed problems with application to the direction finding of VLF/ELF radio waves," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.E79-B, 1, pp.63-69

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Hobara, Y. and M. Hayakawa [1997a], "Ducted propagation of lightning-generated whistlers in the Jovian magnetosphere," J. Atmos. Elec., vol.17, 1, pp.33-45

Hobara, Y., S. Kanemaru, M. Hayakawa and D.A. Gurnett [1997b], "On estimating the amplitude of Jovian whistlers observed by Voyager 1 and implications concerning lightning," J. Geophys. Res., vol.102, pp.7115-7125

Horiuchi, R. and T. Sato [1997], "Particle simulation study of collisionless driven reconnection in a sheared magnetic field," Phys. Plasmas, vol.4, pp.277-289

Hoshino, M., Y. Saito, T. Mukai, A. Nishida, S. Kokubun and T. Yamamoto [1997], "Origin of hot and high speed plasmas in plasma sheet: Plasma acceleration and heating due to slow shocks," Adv. Space Res., vol.20, 4/5, pp.973-982

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Ishiguro, S., T. Sato, H. Takamaru and Complexity Simulation Group [1996a], "Formation of wave patterns and potential structures due to current-driven electrostatic ion-cyclotron instability," Proc. 1996 Int. Conf. on Plasma Physics, Nagoya, pp.14-17

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Itonaga, M., A. Yoshikawa and K. Yumoto [1997a], "One-dimensional transient response of the inner magnetosphere at the magnetic equator, 1. Transfer function and poles," J. Geomag. Geoelectr., vol.49, pp.21-48

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Itonaga, M., A. Yoshikawa and K. Yumoto [1998], "Transient response of the non-uniform equatorial ionosphere to compressional MHD waves," J. Atmos.-Solar Terr. Phys., vol.60, pp.253-261

Iwagami, N., H. Yamamoto, K. Yajima, H. Sekiguchi, T. Watanabe, K. Suzuki, K. Shibasaki, H. Amemiya, M. Yamamoto and T. Ono [1998], "Polar thermosphere-stratosphere photochemical coupling experiment: Two rocket measurements in polar winter at 69N," Earth Planets Space, vol.50, pp.745-754

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Kasaba, Y., H. Matsumoto and R.R. Anderson [1997b], "GEOTAIL observation of 2fp emission around the terrestrial foreshock region, Adv. Space Res., vol.20, pp.699-702

Kasaba, Y., H. Matsumoto, K. Hashimoto, R.R. Anderson, J.-L. Bougeret, M.L. Kaiser, X.Y. Wu and I. Nagano [1998], "Remote sensing of the plasmapause during substorms: GEOTAIL observation of nonthermal continuum enhancement," J. Geophys. Res., vol.103, pp.20389-20405

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Kojima, H., H. Matsumoto, S. Chikuba, S. Horiyama, M. Ashour-Abdalla and R.R. Anderson [1997a], "Geotail waveform observations of broadband/narrowband electrostatic noise in the distant tail," J. Geophys. Res., vol.102, pp.14439-14455

Kojima, H., H. Furuya, H. Usui and H. Matsumoto [1997b], "Modulated electron plasma waves observed in the tail lobe: GEOTAIL waveform observations," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol.24, pp.3049-3052

Krasovsky, V. L. and H. Matsumoto [1998], "On the resonant particle dynamics in the field of a finite-amplitude circularly polarized wave propagating along the axis of a magnetic trap," Phys. Plasmas, vol.5, 6, pp.2210-2216

Krasovsky, V.L., H. Matsumoto and Y. Omura [1997], "Bernstein-Greene-Kruskal analysis of electrostatic solitary waves observed with Geotail," J. Geophys. Res., vol.102, A10, pp.22131-22139

Kumamoto, A. and H. Oya [1998], "Asymmetry of occurrence-frequency and intensity of AKR between summer polar region and winter polar region sources," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol.25, pp.2369-2372

Kurth, W.S., T. Murata, G. Lu, D.A. Gurnett and H. Matsumoto [1998], "Auroral kilometric radiation and the auroral electrojet index for the January 1997 magnetic cloud event," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol.25, pp.3027-3031

Li, Y., B.J. Fraser, F.W. Menk, D.J. Webster and K. Yumoto [1998a], "Properties and sources of low and very low latitude Pi 2 pulsations," J. Geophys. Res., vol.103, pp.2343-2358

Li, Y., K. Yumoto, M. Itonaga, M. Shinohara, T.-I., Kitamura and the CPMN group [1998b], "Equatorial Pi 2s as indicator of substorms and relation between dayside and nightside Pi 2s," Proc. of Intl. Conf. on Substorms-4, held on March 9-13, at Lake Hamana, Japan, pp.555-558

Mambo, M., T. Fukami, T. Okada, I. Nagano and I. Kimura [1997], "Measurement of electron density profile in the lower ionosphere during night-time by rocket observations of MF and VLF radio waves," Trans. of IEICE, vol.J80-B-II, 5, pp.416-423 (In Japanese)

Matsui, H., K. Hayashi, S. Kokubun, T. Mukai, T. Yamamoto, K. Tsuruda, Y. Saito and T. Okada [1997], "Long-duration whistler waves in the magnetosheath: Wave characteristics and the possible source region," J. Geophys. Res., vol.102, pp.17583-17593

Matsumoto, H. [1995], "Microwave power transmission from space and related nonlinear plasma effects," Space and Radio Science - 75th anniversary of URSI, pp.155-190

Matsumoto, H. and N. Shinohara [1996], "Microwave energy transmission experiments and study of rectenna," Proceeding of China-Japan Joint Meeting on Microwaves, pp.153-156

Matsumoto, H. and H. Usui [1997], "Intense bursts of electron cyclotron harmonic waves observed at the dayside magnetopause with Geotail spacecraft," Geophys. Res. Lett., vol.20, pp.857-860

Matsumoto, H., H. Hirata, Y. Hashino and N. Shinohara [1995a], "Theoretical analysis of nonlinear interaction of intense electromagnetic wave and plasma waves in the ionosphere," Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part3, vol.78, 11, pp.104-114

Matsumoto, H., Y. Hashino, H. Yashiro, N. Shinohara and Y. Omura [1995b], "Computer simulation on nonlinear interaction of intense microwave with space plasmas," Electronics and Communications in Japan, Part3, vol.78, 11, pp.89-103

Matsumoto, H., N. Shinohara, T. Miura, M. Furukawa and K. Hashimoto [1996], "Radio wave anechoic chamber for the microwave energy transmission experiments," Proc. of 1996 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, vol.2, pp.409-412

Matsumoto, H., H. Kojima, Y. Kasaba, T. Miyake, R.R. Anderson and T. Mukai [1997a], "Plasma waves in the upstream and bow shock regions observed by Geotail," Adv. Space Res., vol.20, pp.683-693

Matsumoto, H., H. Usui and S. Takenaka [1997b], "Computer experiments on radio blackout of a reentry vehicle and its evasion with magnetic field applied to the reentry plasma," IEICE Trans. Commun., vol.J80-B-II, 3, pp.257-264 (in Japanese)

Matsumoto, H., K. Hashimoto, N. Shinohara, M. Fujita, K. Itoh, S. Sasaki, T. Katagi, T. Itoh, J.G. Hawkins and F.E. Little [1997c], "Microwave power transmission experiment on JEM-EF of international space station," Proceeding of SPS'97, pp.231-236

Matsumoto, H., H. Kojima, Y. Omura and I. Nagano [1998a], "Plasma waves in geospace: Geotail observation," Geophysical Monograph by the American Geophysical Union, vol.105, pp.259-319

Matsumoto, H., T. Okada, K. Hashimoto, I. Nagano, S. Yagitani, M. Tsutsui, Y. Kasaba, K. Tsuda, H. Hayakawa, A. Matsuoka, S. Watanabe, H. Ueda, I. Kimura, Y. Kasahara, Y. Omura, T. Matsumura, K. Ishisaka and Y. Takeno [1998b], "Low frequency plasma wave analyzer (LFA) onboard the Planet-B spacecraft," Earth Planets Space, vol.50, pp.223-228

Matsuoka, H. [1997], "Solar-wind-driven Pc 3 and Pi 3 pulsations in the magnetosphere," J. Communi. Res. Lab., Tokyo, vol.44, 2, pp.249-326

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