Edited by Zen-Ichiro Kawasaki

The activity of Japanese scientists in the fields related to the commission E can be reviewed by the enormous papers listed in the References at the end of this report. Since one of the objectives of this article is to give some ideas about ongoing projects in Japan to foregin scientists, the author mainly pays his attention to express the current topics. Subjects which are related to the research of commission E can be classified roughly into two categories, and those are the study on Natural Radio Noise and the study on Man-made Noise, respectively. Concerning the former category research subjects are lightning, atmospheric radio noises, natural radio noises in space, and radio noises associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Radio noises associated with earthquakes became a big current topics especially after the big disaster of Kobe Earthquakes, and quite a few researchers in various fields in Japan began to pay their attention on this subject, and during these two years we have a lot of symposiums. The main interest for the researchers is if it is possible to predict the occurrence of earthquakes by detecting the emitted electromagnetic signals as a precursor of earthquakes to prevent the disaster. Some of the researchers insisted that there is no electromagnetic emissions as a precursor of earthquakes, and active controversies are going on.

The operation of lightning monitoring system is another attractive subject. Electromagnetic waves associated with lightning discharges are useful to locate the positions of lightning strikes. The basic concepts for these operational system are the magnetic direction finding, time of arrival, and interferometer. These operational systems own both advantages and disadvantages, and the attempts to improve the location accuracy have been conducted eagerly. Since the choice of these systems depends on the objective of the researchers, we had better operate the most propers system for one's purpose.

On the other hand one of the most interesting subjects, which are related to Man-made Noise, is the problem of the electromagnetic wave emissions by the power electronics devices. Since such kind of electromagnetic noises occasionally cause the miss operating the electronics systems, the efforts to eliminate unexpected electromagnetic waves emission have been done such as the application of soft switching for inverter.

Followings are the review and brief summaries.

E1. Natural Radio Noise Sources

Wang et al. [1994a, 1994b] are attempting to realize laser triggered lightning during active winter thunderstorms at Hokuriku district. They proposed to trigger a lightning discharge from the top of a tall tower in an intense electric field and obtained the necessary conditions for realizing it experimentally. On the other hand, Shindo [1993a, 1993b] disclosed the basic characteristics of the laser induced discharges which are thought to be useful for realizing laser triggered lightning.

Ushio et al. [1994] reported a highly synchronized multipoint measurement of lightning electric field changes, combining the function of traditional slow antenna systems with techniques of the time of arrival and locating successfully the micro-second scale pulses superimposed in the lightning-caused electric field changes.

Hussein et al. [1995] present successful simultaneous measurements of significant parameters for lightning strikes to the Canadian National (CN) Tower in Toronto, which have been performed since the summer of 1991. Three 10-bit 10-ns computer-controlled double-channel digitizers, with long segmented memory, have simultaneously captured the current derivative at the CN Tower and the corresponding electric and magnetic fields 2.0 km north of the tower. Lightning flashes to the tower were videotaped from two mutually perpendicular directions for the purpose of constructing a three-dimensional image of the lightning path. Furthermore, the return stroke velocity, a parameter also needed for the analysis of lightning radiation models, has been measured by a computer-controlled photodiode system. In this paper all relevant parameters for a CN Tower lightning stroke, observed on August 17, 1991, are shown and analyzed.

Wang et al. [1995] resolved in time and space the luminous propagation of lightning attachment to the CN tower, using an eight-channel photodiode system. Approximately 60 lightning discharges were recorded during 1991 and 1992. Positive correlations are found among the return stroke velocity, the leader velocity, and the leader light intensity. However, it also is observed that even in the case of a very tall structure, when a dart leader approaches the CN tower, it is highly possible that no apparent connecting leader is initiated before the ensuing return stroke.

Ohta et al. [1994] found that some very low latitude whistlers propagated in the Earth-ionospheric waveguide over a distance of the order of 1000 km, exhibit very clear additional dispersion effects near the cutoff frequencies of the subionospheric 1st- and 2nd-order modes. The polarization of such dispersive components are found to be identical to those for tweek sferics.

There appeared several review papers on magnetospheric chorus [Sazhin and Hayakawa, 1992], mid-latitude and plasmaspheric hiss [Hayakawa and Sazhin, 1992], aurora VLF hiss [Sazhin et al., 1993], and periodic and quasi-periodic emissions [Sazhin and Hayakawa, 1994].

Takeuchi et al. [1994] clarified the local time dependence of wave characteristics of Pi2 pulsations observed at the synchronous orbit from GOES 5 and 6 during April 1986, and Kozuka et al. [1994] discussed solar cycle variation of the local time dependence in frequency of occurrence of Pi2.

Ondoh and Nakamura [1994] reported magnetospheric VLF waves observed by DE-1, including small scale plasma irregularities in high latitude magnetosphere and impulsive VLF waves, whistler triggered hiss, and VLF chorus in equatorial magnetosphere.

Hattori et al. [1994] reported the results of spectral analyses and direction finding for VLF/ELF data containing simultaneous hiss and chorus, and, Yamaguchi et al. [1994] proposed a new direction finding method of magnetospheric VLF/ELF radio waves using the linear regularization and generalized cross validation.

Hayakawa et al. [1995] have proposed a new method of estimating the propagation distance and ionospheric reflection height by using the dispersive tail of tweek sferics. Also, the field-analysis direction finding was applied to tweek sferics to understand their propagation mechanism.

Maeda [1994] reported the geometrical beam modeling of a component of Jovian Io-related decametric radiation (so-called Io-B) based on the 22.2 MHz occurrence probability data from University of Texas Radio Astronomy Observatory. By fitting the simulated longitude-difference drift curve to the observation, the best fit lead angle and cone half-angle are estimated to be about 40 degree and 65 degree respectively.

Makino [1994] gave an overview of updated observations with X-ray astronomy satellite "GINGA", covering notable results: 1. detection of X-ray from SN1987A; 2. discovery of new X-ray pulsars; 3. discovery of new black hole candidates; 4. detection of ionization from galactic center, 5. correlated X-ray emission from 3C279; and 6. spectral features and variabilities of Seyfert galaxies.

Researches on EMC by Masaru Ishii and his group is focused on lightning EMP. Measurement of vertical electric field by slow and fast antennas, and observation of VHF radiation at multiple points are performed for 3-D location of the charges and radiation sources of lightning in winter in Japan. Continuous observation of lightning on Java Island, Indonesia has been carried out by a magnetic direction finding system equipped with GPS clocks.

Koji Michishita and Masaru Ishii are cooperating in the research of the lightning-induced voltage on overhead lines in both aspects of theory and observation. Model experiments have been successfully carried out to verify the coupling model and the numerical model. An experimental distribution line of full size has been installed adjacent to a tall stack equipped with a lightning-current measuring device, and induced voltages and horizontal electric fields have been observed during winter. In winter, the tall stack is struck by lightning more than ten times a season. The horizontal electric field is observed by sensors developed by this research group. The objective of this experiment is the verification of the theory by using natural lightning, and is carried out in cooperation with an electric power utility and the Central Research Institute of Power Industry.

Radio emissions associated with earthquakes received a growing interest in different countries and an international workshop on this topic was held in Japan in 1993 and its Proceedings [Hayakawa and Fujinawa, 1994] was published containing several topics: 1. electromagnetic AC emissions associated with earthquakes and volcanic eruptions (ground observations); 2. electric and magnetic field variations (DC) and related phenomena, 3. satellite observations of seismogenic phenomena, perspective methods and future satellite projects; 4. laboratory and field experiments and simulated origin of seismogenic emissions; and 5. underlying mechanisms and theoretical models.

The observation of the ELF, VLF, LF and MF frequency bands emissions related earthquakes and volcanic eruptions and the physical investigation about the source radiation and the energy transmission mechanisms through underground.

The study of lower latitude whistlers is continuing. Based on spaced direction finding observations in south China, it was found that there exists a very favorable propagation channel and that this propagation may be associated with the propagation trapped by filamentary field aligned irregularities [Hayakawa et al., 1994].

Kawasaki et al. [1994] make a report on SAFIR (Surveillance et d'Alerte Foudre par Interfermetrie Radioelectrique) which has been equipped and operated in Japan since June 12th, 1991 as a cooperative project among Osaka University, Kansai Electric Power Co. INC. (KEPCO), and the French manufacturer DIMENSIONS. The operational coverage covers Northern Kinki District, Wakasa District, and Hokuriku District. Hokuriku District is well known for its winter thunderstorm activity. The method for the evaluation was to take the cross-correlation between the meteorological radar echo pattern and the distribution pattern of lightning discharges detected by SAFIR. They obtained high cross-correlation coefficients and concluded that the SAFIR locations were shown to have statistically high accuracy. They also show the case study of the occurrence of the lightning strike, which is recorded by KEPCO, to evaluate the usefulness of the warning by SAFIR.

E2. Man-Made Noise

RF Probes used in MRI(Magnetic Resonance Imaging) including the RF shield have been numerically analyzed. The effects of the shield on the probe have been investigated.

From the viewpoint of electronics Systems reliability enhancement, the EMC characteristics, the noise immunity characteristics and the immunity enhancement techniques of electronic components based on the malfunction caused by electromagnetic noise, and the maintenance Strategy for electronics Systems are current topics in this field.

A source ESD model is described for analyzing the transient electromagnetic fields using a spark resistance. Numerical calculation is given to explain the peculiar phenomenon being well-recognized in the ESD event [Fujiwara and Andoh, 1993].

E3. Composite Noise

Electromagnetic emission from a digital circuit board is of concern. Mathematical models which may be installed in a computer chord on a workstation are developed. Parameters of the models are experimentally fitted for existing families of IC's and board-layout rules.

Studies of multiconductor transmission systems, distributed transmission circuit, antennas, communication systems, active transmission lines, magnetics and ferroelectric recording, neural information processing, computer network, satellite communication and electromagnetic compatibility have been also conducted by Sato's group and they have shown the interesting results.

E4. Effect of Noise on System Performance

In EMC testing of electronic equipment, radiated EM disturbances are usually measured using dipole antennas on an open-area test site. Quality of these measuring facilities has been supposed to be possible causes for poor reproducibility of test results. Hence, the site validation procedure was rigorously examined to evaluate its correction factors [Sugiura 1992]. In addition, measurement errors due to dipole antennas were studied in terms of their antenna factors [Morikawa 1994; Tejima 1995; Sugiura 1995a]. Theoretical and experimental investigations were extended to cover an antenna calibration procedure, "standard site method," resulting in its improvement [Harima 1993; Sugiura 1994b, 1995b]

E5. Spectrum Management and Utilization

Electromagnetic compatibility techniques must be implemented in advanced telecommunications system to maintain high quality and reliability in electromagnetic environments that are becoming more complicated. During this period, we studied measurement technique of various disturbance phenomena such as ESD, lightning and transient noise appearing in telecommunications systems and emission characteristics from telecommunication systems and developed evaluation methods of emission from and immunity of telecommunication system. Furthermore we studied countermeasures applied to environment around equipment and to operation and maintenance stage.

E6. Biological Effects of Radio Noise

A new method is presented for approximately estimating the surface specific absorption rate in an anatomically realistic model of the human head for microwave exposure, using the external magnetic near-field. It is also shown that this method can be validated by the theoretical results in a semi-infinite homogeneous flat model for normal incidence microwave exposure [Fujiwara and Nomura, 1995]. High voltage electrostatic fields effect for biological safety of computer operators and its development of practical protection system.


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Akiyama, Y., T. Ideguchi, M. Tokuda, and N. Kuwabara, Evaluation of RF immunity test facilities based on the scattered field of a conductive sphere, to be published on Trans. IEICE, J78-B-II (in Japanese) (1996)

Amemiya, F., N. Kuwabara, and T. Ideguchi, Estimation of electromagnetic interference field emitted from telecommunication line, IEICE Trans. Commun., E78-B-II, 2, 159-167 (1995)

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Baba, K., and T. Takagi, Time domain spectroscopy for electrical properties of biological substances, URSI General Assembly, Kyoto (1993)

Baba, K., and T. Takagi, A broad-band time-domain spectroscopy for biological study of electromagnetic absorption, Proc. of the Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference TUPM 8-5 (IMTC '94) (1994)

Baba, K., K. Ohta, and M. Hayakawa, Propagation characteristics of tweek atmospherics below anisotropic and inhomogeneous ionosphere models, Trans. IEICE, J76-B-II, 1, 11-19 (in Japanese) (1993)

Baba, K., N. Kuramata, and T. Takagi, Time domain reflectometry for EMC, IMTC '94 (1994)

Chen, Q., K. Sawaya, S. Adachi, H. Ochi, and E. Yamamoto, Analysis of MRI slotted tube resonator having a shield of conducting circular cylinder, IEICE Trans. Commun., E76-B, 5, 553-560 (1993)

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Echigo, H., N. Takeda, R. Sato, and K. Mitsui, Tests on wide band antenna for the measurement of EM environments, Proceedings of the 1993 IEICE Spring Conference, part 2, SB-3-6, 2-647 (1993)

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Fujiwara, O., and H. Endoh, Computation of potential attenuation process for charged human body using numerical inverse Laplace transform, IEICE Trans. Commun., E78-B, 2, 188-192 (1995)

Fujiwara, O., and K. Iino, Usefulness of spherical model of human head in SAR calculation for UHF plane-wave exposure, IEICE Trans. Commun., E76-B, 5, 561-564 (1993)

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